Proteins, like Carbohydrates, Sugars and Fats are Macronutrients. Proteins are crucial for cell function. They supply our cells with essential Amino Acids which help in development and repair.
However, excess of it is converted into fats or just excreted out of the body. Both of which can be harmful in long term.
Excess fats accumulation leads to a high risk of obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and hormonal imbalance. While before excretion these proteins have to pass through the liver and kidney. High dietary protein intake can cause intraglomerular hypertension, which may result in kidney hyperfiltration, glomerular injury, andc proteinuria. It is possible, that long-term high protein intake may lead to de novo CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease).
An athlete or Bodybuilder who burns calories at the gym/during sports and later on, requires calories and proteins for muscle recovery, is going to always be in a safer position maintaining a diet that is high on Macronutrients. Simply because his/her body requires them for Energy making and also for Muscle recovery.
While a person who spends most of his/her time sitting or sleeping must be extra careful in the consumption of heavy Macros.
Cycle your Carbs, Proteins and Fats
Regardless of whether you are an athlete or someone who spends most of their time at a desk job. Cycling of Macronutrients is for everyone.
Do not consume the same amount of Carbs every day, nor the same amount of fats or proteins.
Definitely keep a track of your consumption and bring in some variety.
How much Protein should we consume?
A typical Adult male is recommended to consume not more than 0.5gm to 1gm per Kg of their body weight. Again, which must be cycled. If you consume 70gms of proteins today, ie- about 7 eggs or 300gms of Chicken Breast. Make it 4 eggs or 150gms of Chicken for the next day.
Replace the Chicken or Egg portions with a bit of Fats or Carbs. Making it not too complicated, be mindful of what you eat.
Similarly, for a Bodybuilder or an Athlete undergoing high-intensity training, the protein intake can range from around 1.5gm to 2gm per kg of body weight.
Advantages of Proteins
Proteins are harder to break down, compared to Carbohydrates on Starch. Meaninig, when you consume a protein-rich diet, your body has to make a bit of extra effort to convert it into energy and/or extract nutrients off it.
Hence, proteins take longer to digest. Which also means you feel fuller for longer. This makes proteins an ideal substitute for Carbohydrates for people considering weight loss or just want a leaner physique.
A lot of people go overboard with proteins and carbs restriction and consume little to no carbohydrates. However, this can be harmful as Body can get starved of energy, which can lead to one of the crucial organs like the Brain get a short supply of ATP (Adenosine Tri-phosphate ). Causing blackouts or dizzyness.
I would simply repeat, that a balanced diet and mindful eating is all you need to stay healthy and fit. Avoid overeating, however tasty your food is. Workout, even if it's a 5-10min activity every day.
You may experiment with Keto, GM, low carb, low-fat diets but don't go overboard with them, These diets are for stimulation of various results, and not to be extended beyond the stipulated time frame.