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Is Alcohol Consumption Good for your Health?

Updated: Jul 9, 2021

Although there shouldn't be much confusion surrounding this question but there still exist quite a bit of it. Hence, we thought, that perhaps we will write a post on this.

Alcohol has become quite a part of the Lifestyle of many. Though, we don't have an inherent culture of Alcohol consumption. But, today, we can see it's become quite common, for young teens to senior citizens, happily gulping Whiskeys, Rums, Beer, Vodka... you name it.

During this time of Pandemic, I have heard people insisting Alcohol sanitizes our internals. While it can help act as a sanitizer to some extent for your mouth and destroy a lot of micro organisms on its way to your Stomach. But, it has far more negative effects to worry about, if consumed regularly.

So to simply answer: Is Alcohol Consumption Good for your Health? NO. It's a Slow Killer and steady poison for your Health & Well being.

In addition to the fact, that it causes addiction. Regular alcohol consumption destroys the linings of you stomach and intestines, These linings, made up of Mucosa Membranes, have the duty of picking/ absorbing nutrients off your food, that you eat. Alcohol also destroys the good Gut bacteria, which help in breaking down your food in the intestines.

Alcoholics have severely impaired Mucosal lining which leads to a lot of nutrients being thrown out of the body, unabsorbed/unused.

When your body and the cells that your body and organs are made up of, don't receive the required nutrients, they start to malfunction.

Mineral Deficiency

Deficiencies of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc are common in alcoholics due to the affect on absorption of these critical minerals/electrolytes.

  • There is a decrease in calcium absorption due to fat malabsorption:

  • Magnesium deficiency due to decreased intake in the diet.

  • Increased Urinary Excretion.

  • Vomiting and Diarrhea

  • Iron deficiency related to Gastrointestinal Bleeding

  • Zinc Malabsorption

  • Mineral deficiencies can cause a variety or medical consequences from calcium-related bone disease to zinc-related night blindness and skin lesions.

Bottom line: Choose a better life, break up with Alcohol.

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